As a dedicated professional navigating the complexities of modern life, you might often find yourself facing a whirlwind of challenges. The pressures of constant fatigue, difficulty focusing, and...
Our survival states like the intense sympathetic arousal or dorsal freeze - are meant to be a temporary state that serves the specific survival purpose of preserving life at all costs. These types...
Stress takes a toll on our physiology and can change the way our nervous system functions. Allostatic load refers to the wear and tear that can accumulate in the mind-body system, following periods...
Whilst a history of trauma leaves a footprint on your nervous system, it doesn’t mean that you’re broken. Experiencing dysregulation means your nervous system has learnt to become more...
Trauma may change the nervous system so that your ability to create and sustain nurturing relationships is altered. This can lead to the limiting belief that love and connection aren’t safe....
Chronic pain is one of the most common symptoms of nervous system dysregulation. You activate the same network in the brain whether you experience emotional, physical, or social pain like...