A Healthy Vagus Nerve Makes You Flexible, Adaptable and Resilient

A Healthy Vagus Nerve Makes You Flexible, Adaptable and Resilient

Just like we say a muscle that’s strong has good “tone”, when your vagus nerve is working well, it’s said to have higher vagal tone.

Higher vagal tone means your nervous system is flexible and adaptable in how it responds to challenges and demands.

The essence of resilience is returning to regulation, particularly after anxiety. The vagus nerve plays a key role in slowing your physiology back down to a calm and regulated state. This is the place where you have the opportunity to flourish, thrive and reach your potential.

You can learn more about the vagus nerve and the tools and resources that cultivate self-regulation and resilience in the six week Vagus Nerve Program, and the two hour Vagus Nerve Masterclass. They’re packed with powerful, evidence-based tools - these are like doing bicep curls for your vagus nerve.